Top Christian Sites - All-time Top Sites
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The Strong Survive
Offering the words you need to survive on your journey called life.
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Photo Frames Hand Made In Tennessee
Hand made photo frames made in Tennessee. This is a first web site attempt for me. I thought my daddy's frames that he started making as a hobby would sell online. Frames are made from Oak, Ash, Cherry, Cedar, Poplar, Walnut and White Pine. Standard Size
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Christ Revealed
The purpose of this blog is to encourage, strengthen and build-up the body of Christ. It is my heartfelt prayer to also reach others by revealing, through the study of God's holy Word, that Jesus Christ, the God-Man, is the promised Messiah and Savior tha
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Church Of Living Water
We provide a free 17 lesson ordination course and free ordination to any sincere, born again, baptized, Protestant Christian that desires to become an ordained minister.
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Ladies Ablaze Ministries - Our heart is to minister to women from all walks of life within our community, across the nation and around the world. Our desire is to enrich women's lives and enlighten women to the power they have in Christ through His Word.
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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Godliness
Free chapter from Conservative Christian musician and commentator Kevin Lauer's new book, explaining the legal, historical, and spiritual significance of America's founding documents including the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
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Let A Woman Learn
Bible Principles for All of Life - Learning by heart - doing in love - living in joy. Our journey of faith, family & home education.
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communication with dream
A family-friendly blog with photos, computer art, thoughts, Bible passages, Christian links, recipes, blog centers on faith, Jesus, God.
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Breathe On Me
A Christian network-based site with inspired devotional readings and links to other resources.
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Prattville Wesleyan Church
Prattville Wesleyan Church is a Bible believing fellowship, seeking to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by winning, discipling and loving our world to Him.
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